darm das hot
darm das hot
Thank you :)
What kind of fever dream is This
emil, emil, thanks for the 5 stars, but you're still at school, i think you should not be looking at my drawings and animations, they're raunchy, they're evil, they're trve kvte. But oh yeah, fever dream, nice description for that thing, you rock dude, can't wait for the king diamond drawing II
Long time no see, also You're pretty good with the lines. It kind of makes me jealous,
Thank you, I tend to use stabiliser settings for when I do the main line art
I don’t know if it’s a movie or from a game but looks sick
Thank you, Risk of Rain 2 is a game and Captain is the character in it that you unlock after beating it and has a really cool design
Danke :)
Hm, good very nice
Thank you kindly =)
Very good: but can I ask you a favor, if you could maybe draw my OC next, thank you for reading.
I'll see about that if I have the time, no promises it'll be the next thing but maybe some time down the line
That’s the program I use as well
Hmmmmmm good;)
Well thank you :)
-I make Art for fun.
I speak Danish and English
B day 31/10
And I draw on my phone. With my fingers. and pc
NO i am back
Female but male irl
The Moon
Joined on 4/25/21